I absolutely love working with folks to bring their commissions to life. Here is a brief sampling of the types of commissions I do but really, the sky’s the limit! Hit me up and let’s create something amazing together.


A watercolor landscape is a window to a beloved and longed for destination. I will bring your favorite place to life and/or capture your loved ones playing in the distance.

Fantasy Portraits

Have you ever wondered what your family would look like as superheroes, space explorers, undersea adventurers and more? Well wonder no more! These high end fantasy portraits will capture the likeness and personality of your family all while they’re all decked out on a fantastic adventure.

Sea Life Paintings

Nothing classes up a home like paintings of sea life! Let me know your favorite aquatic animal and I will bring it to life.

Birds with Hats

Look, I just really enjoy painting birds with hats and frankly people like having them in their homes. Tell me your favorite bird and hat combo, or better yet let me fit the bird’s personality with the right hat and together we’ll create something quirky and beautiful.

Character Commissions

Are you like me and love having your favorite friends…er…characters on your walls? If so let me know your beloved characters and I will give them my specific watercolor treatment!

 Email me at j.larocca.hansen@gmail.com to discuss your commission.